Digital Forensic Analysis, Mobile Device Forensics, eDiscovery, Consulting
Digital Forensic Services
St. Johns Data Consulting, LLC (SJDC) primarily provides services in support of civil litigation. SJDC brings with it 20 years of law enforcement experience, graduate degrees in the administration of justice, digital forensic certifications, and years of applicable training and experience in digital forensics. As part of litigation support, SJDC performs the following services:
- Computer Forensics
Data Theft
Intellectual Property Theft
Employer/Employee Disputes
Digital Forensic Imaging
Targeted Collections
Drone Data Extraction and Analysis
E-mail Recovery/Analysis
Web History Analysis
Document Analysis
Timeline Analysis
User History/Access Analysis
Image Analysis
Keyword/Phrase Searching
Data Recovery
Data/Evidence Preservation and Storage
Trial/Litigation Support
Evidence/Chain-of-Custody Documentation
On-Site and Lab Acquisitions
Cross-Validation of Litigant/Defense Findings
Mobile Forensics
In addition to our comprehensive computer forensics services, SJDC provides mobile device forensic services, including the recovery of deleted text messages and other content from smart phones. You may ask, “Why is this important to me?” With the increasingly important role that mobile devices play in our lives, they become a more important source of evidence in litigation. More and more people are decreasing their computer usage, or numbers of computers, in lieu of using these mobile devices. If you’re not considering mobile devices as a source of evidence you are potentially missing the proverbial smoking gun in your case. One look at the capabilities of today’s smart phones should illustrate their potential evidentiary value. If your case involves the use of a cell phone, including a smartphone, or GPS device, give us a call to see how you can leverage our expertise in your case.
Cell phone forensics
Timeline of user activity (helpful in accident cases)
Text messages
Call logs and history
Phone details (IMEI, ESN, phone number)
Text Messages
Deleted content
GPS data, including waypoints
To find out what each of SJDC’s service cost visit our Rates|Terms page.