Capturing iOS Crash logs for Forensic Analysis

The purpose of this post is to provide instructions for the capture of iOS crash logs, including sysdiagnose logs, after they’ve been created. These logs can also be highly relevant to a digital forensic analysis and thus it is important to create and capture...

Instructions for Triggering iOS SysDiagnose Log Capture

The purpose of this post is to provide digital forensic examiners a user-friendly guide (available publicly here) for forensic analysts to trigger (capture on a iPhone/iPad) a “sysdiagnose” log of events. Capturing Android crash logs is covered in a...

Accident cases involving the presence of a cell phone or other mobile device.

SJDC is often hired to perform digital forensic analyses of cell phones or other types of mobile devices that were present during traffic accidents.  The goal of these exams is almost always to determine the possibility of distracted driving and mobile devices have...
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