Capturing iOS Crash logs for Forensic Analysis

The purpose of this post is to provide instructions for the capture of iOS crash logs, including sysdiagnose logs, after they’ve been created. These logs can also be highly relevant to a digital forensic analysis and thus it is important to create and capture...

Mobile Device Collection/Imaging Protocol

Following is a Mobile Device collection/imaging protocol that may be used in legal demands when there is an evidentiary interest in Mobile Device data. This information will be updated frequently as technology changes. Please provide any input regarding this protocol...

Digital Evidence Forensic Preservation Language

Below is suggested language to include for the preservation of electronic devices in various cases. Please keep in mind that preservation does not mean that the data will be used in litigation. However, since we won’t know which devices are/not relevant within a...


Located in Jacksonville, Florida, St. Johns Data Consulting, LLC (SJDC) provides digital forensic analysis, consulting, training, and expert testimony in support of litigation. We strive to bring our clients the most secure, professional, confidential, and competent...
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